"1.8 IDE to 3.5 Laptop Hard Disk Drive Converter Adapter (Green)
"1.8 IDE to 3.5 Laptop Hard Disk Drive Converter Adapter (Green) Recently This Products is one of the top rated products in US. Many Reviews has told that this item has good quality and worth with the price, so most of the consumers are satisfied. You can check it from the customers opinions who have given positive impression. Then,if you are interested in this best buy on sale online, it's better for you, to order now to avoid out of stock, because this product tends to sold out very quickly.
If you’re looking for best suggestion products, "1.8 IDE to 3.5 Laptop Hard Disk Drive Converter Adapter (Green) is our suggestion !!!
What's New on "1.8 IDE to 3.5 Laptop Hard Disk Drive Converter Adapter (Green) - See Details
A must have kit to transfer and backup data to a desktop computer. Allow a 1.8"" hard drive to fit and run in a 3.5"" bay on a desktop or tower system with high speed date transfer, use 1.8"" hard drive as a regular IDE drive. Ideal solution for laptop drive backup, recovery or direct data transfers. Convert 1.8"" laptop hard drive to regular IDE hard drive. IDE hard drive 40-pin connector. 4 pin power connector. Easily create Ghost images of your laptop.
Check Here for Customer Reviews and Buy with Special Price "1.8 IDE to 3.5 Laptop Hard Disk Drive Converter Adapter (Green)
Minggu, 23 Juni 2013
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